” Success comes when your Thoughts, Words, and Actions are in Harmony “

The Fundamental Five

a carefully curated collection of top experts in their respective fields. Deep understanding of these fields is necessary for the modern man to unshackle their mind from underlying paradigms and take control of their soul.


Uncover innate human motive, perceive intent

A black and white portrait of Canadian psychologist and author, Jordan Peterson.
Jordan Peterson


Understand core money concepts, adapt to markets

A black and white portrait of American stock broker and private economist, Peter Schiff
Peter Schiff


Analyze thought patterns, optimize for growth

A black and white portrait of Indian software entrepreneur and angel investor, Naval Ravikant
Naval Ravikant


Track sources of social sentiment, pinpoint problems

A black and white portrait of American private political commentator and speech figure, Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro


The ultimate core driver for men, learn the game

A black and white portrait of English-American former kickboxing champion and mentor to young men, Andrew Tate
Andrew Tate

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